• Blog Posts,  Booking

    Couples Bookings: Why A Threesome With an Escort is a Great Idea

    Delphine in a red lacy top and moody lighting. She is staring seductively at the camera. Her blue eyes are glittering in a ray of sunlight.

    Multiple real-life surveys and years of pop culture anecdotes show that the idea of a threesome is one of the top fantasies for people of any gender. However, swiping and using Tinder or the like to find a third can be a tricky endeavor. Things can get messy. There can be all sorts of jealousy, insecurity, and more demands for…

  • Blog Posts,  Booking,  Duo Partners,  Duos

    Triple the Fun: Booking Duos With an Escort

    Organizing a threesome in your personal life can be complicated and a bit messy, especially if you’re already part of an established couple. That’s not to say it can’t ever work. But, it has a lot more potential for drama. Booking escorts is a great way to have a threesome where you know the boundaries of the scenario. We are…

  • Blog Posts,  Date Ideas

    Bay Area Holiday Season Date Ideas

    I’m perhaps not the most festive holiday person. As a Jew, the holidays can be an exhausting time of fielding questions like: “What are you doing for Christmas?” “Wait, you really don’t celebrate? Not even for fun?” “Oh, you don’t even have a Christmas tree? Wow! But they’re so pretty!” “Oh, well, it’s just a secular holiday.” “Well actually, it…

  • Blog Posts,  Gifts

    Slightly More Serious Hooker Holiday Gift Guide 2024

    Perhaps you’ve seen my Extremely Low Brow Hooker Holiday Gift Guide? In it, I mention that I might make a nicer/more serious gift guide. Again, a gift guide is different than a wishlist. I don’t necessarily want all these things, though I certainly wouldn’t mind them. This guide contains products I use, products I enjoy, and generally, things I think…

  • Blog Posts,  Gifts

    Extremely Low Brow Hooker Holiday Gift Guide

    This is a gift guide. It may not be the one you want, but it is the one you will get. It is called a hooker gift guide not because you are shopping for a hooker, but because, it was written by one. It is “low brow” because these gifts are silly, or an everyday item you might not think…

  • Blog Posts,  Hairy

    My Thoughts on Body Hair

    “Are you still hairy?” “Don’t shave!” “Do you still have a bush?” I get asked these questions a lot. Please rest assured, a large part of my whole “thing” is based on not shaving. Plus, it’s sexy, it’s easy, and I like it. I’m not about to lose the bush or the pit hair anytime soon! My Body Hair Journey…

  • Blog Posts

    Join My Mailing List for a Special Treat!!

    I’ve restarted my e-mail newsletter this month. In general, I plan to send out an e-mail each month detailing what I’ve been up to, my thoughts about the world, any travel plans or specials, and all the ways to be in touch with me. I’ve decided to offer my newsletter subscribers a special treat. You will have first access to…

  • Blog Posts,  Ettiquette

    Interacting With an Escort in the Wild

    I always wonder if my sweeties and clients think of me in the same way I used to envision my elementary school teachers. They just live in the classroom, right? Like, they go into a stasis mode the moment we leave, and become reactivated when we come back in the morning? I remember one day, maybe in 1st grade, I…

  • Blog Posts,  Booking

    Holiday Availability: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Years Eve

    I’m available on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve into New Years Day this year to celebrate (or not!) together. I know for some the holidays can be a difficult or lonely time. For others, it’s a time off work to relax and have a bit of decadence. Whether you want to celebrate the day or completely forget…