Interacting With an Escort in the Wild

I always wonder if my sweeties and clients think of me in the same way I used to envision my elementary school teachers. They just live in the classroom, right? Like, they go into a stasis mode the moment we leave, and become reactivated when we come back in the morning? I remember one day, maybe in 1st grade, I saw my teacher at a local restaurant. It blew my mind. I didn’t know how to act! It brings to mind the question: What should you do if you see an escort out in the wild? There are a few scenarios that come to mind.
Keep in mind that each escort is completely different. This is just what I would do or how I would prefer you to respond if we encounter each other in the wild world. Another escort might have a totally different take.
1. I Saw You In Real Life, What Should I Do?
If you see me out in the world, at a restaurant, a store, a community event, or anywhere outside the context of our session, I will completely ignore you and pretend we don’t know each other unless you initiate contact. If you do initiate contact, I am happy to say a quick hello!
If you want to initiate some kind of short contact, please just say a quick platonic hello. Please do not touch me, embrace me, or kiss me unless I initiate that. If I am with other people please do not reference how we know each other unless I bring it up. Please respect my time and energetic boundaries by not lingering too long beyond a normal short conversation between two people who know each other and randomly meet somewhere.
2. I Saw You On a Dating App, What Should I Do?
If you are my client and see me on a dating app, please ignore and do not engage with me there unless I initiate contact first. Please understand and respect the container of our existing relationship. Real love, intimacy, and enjoyment can live within this incredible container, but it won’t exist outside of this container for me, unless I decide to initiate something first.
3. I Know You In Real Life, What Should I Do?
If you stumble upon me here and we have a pre-existing relationship from somewhere else in the world, please keep what you found here to yourself unless I bring it up first. I am very public with most of my friends and many others in my life about my work, but there are a few realms where it would not be safe or wise for me to be open about what I’m up to. I ask you to respect that.
If we know each other from the outside world, please do not try to book me for a session.
These are just my preferences. As I mentioned earlier, escorts are not a monolith and some others may have different preferences for these types of scenarios!